
Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

International Residency Program 2009 Open!

Call for Application

Kelola is inviting applications for the international residency program inthe United States of America. Run in partnership with the Asian CulturalCouncil, New York, Kelola will be offering two arts management residenciesin 2009. Started in 2000, Kelola's International Residency Program has sent 37 artsmanagers and practitioners to do a 2-4 month internship in various arts organization in the Unites States and Australia.

If you are seeking to develop your arts management skills, or are keen tostrengthen networks, exchange ideas and learn about work practices in otherparts of the world, the International Residency Program is for you.

Deadline is 30 July 2008.

Guideline & Application form is attached or can be downloaded <>

Please send your application to

KELOLA Jalan Cikatomas II No.33Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12180
T. 021-739 9311